
Level Up! - The Guide To Great Video Game Design 9780470688670 pdf 下载 mobi 极速 snb 夸克云 txt chm



Level Up! - The Guide To Great Video Game Design 9780470688670书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780470688670
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-09
  • 页数:492
  • 价格:307.30
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


Level Up covers the entire video game creation process Readers

will learn how to develop marketable ideas, learn what perils and

pitfalls await them during a game's pre-production, production and

post-production stages Video games continue to be a growth market,

with sustained growth since 2006 despite the economic downturn.

2008 was a record year for game sales. Expert author Scott Rogers

is a veteran of the industry and has designed hits including God of

War, the SpongeBob Squarepants game series, and the venerable Pac

Man World. His recent talks at Game Developer Expo was featured on

sites including BoingBoing, Digg, and Slashdot. Demand for game

designers and developers has tripled since 2006 (indeed.com) It has

a unique approach with Scott's tongue in cheek style, and "more

practice, less theory" approach will appeal to today's readers who

want to get started quickly.


Foreword by Danny Bilson. About the Author. Press Start!

Acknowledgments: Everything I Learned about Writing a Book. Level 1

Welcome, N00bs! A Brief History of Video Games. Game Genres. Who

Makes this Stuff? Programmer. Artist. Designer. Producer. Tester.

Composer. Sound Designer. Writer. Have You Thought about

Publishing? Product Manager. Creative Manager. Art Director.

Technical Director. And the Rest ... Level 1's Universal Truths and

Clever Ideas. Level 2 Ideas Ideas: Where to Get Them and Where to

Stick Them. What do Gamers Want? Why I Hate "Fun." Brainstorming.

Breaking Writer's Block. Level 2's Universal Truths and Clever

Ideas. Level 3 Writing the Story. The Triangle of Weirdness. Time

to Wrap It Up. Creating Characters. A Few Pointers on Writing for

Kids of All Ages. Writing for Licenses. Level 3's Universal Truths

and Clever Ideas. Level 4 You Can Design a Game, But Can You Do the

Paperwork? Writing the GDD, Step 1: The One-Sheet. ESRB Ratings.

Writing the GDD, Step 2: The Ten-Pager. The Rule of Threes.

Ten-Pager Outline. The Game Design Document (and the Awful Truth

about Writing Them). Gameplay Progression. The Beat Chart. Above

All, Don't Be a Schmuck. Level 4's Universal Truths and Clever

Ideas. Level 5 The Three Cs, Part 1-Character. Personality: Do We

Really Need Another Badass? Let's Get Personal. Finally, We Talk

about Gameplay. Why Walk When You Can Run? The Art of Doing

Nothing. Might as Well Jump. Hoists and Teeters. What Goes Up, Must

Fall Down. Me and My Shadow. The Water's Fine... or Is It? Be Kind

to Our Four-Legged Friends. Using All of the Parts. We Are Not

Alone. Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood? Level 5's Universal

Truths and Clever Ideas. Level 6 The Three Cs, Part 2-Camera. Get

It Right: Camera Views. First Person Camera. Third Person Camera.

Giving Up Control. So You've Decided to Let the Player Control the

Camera. So You've Decided to Not Let the Player Have Control Over

the Camera. So You've Decided to Let the Player Sometimes Have

Control Over the Camera. Two and a Half D. Isometric Camera.

Top-Down Camera. Special Case Cameras. Tunnel Vision. Camera Shot

Guide. Camera Angle Guide. Camera Movement Guide. Other Camera

Notes. Always Point the Camera to the Objective. Never Let the

Character Get Out of the Camera's Sight. Multiple Player Cameras.

Level 6's Universal Truths and Clever Ideas. Level 7 The Three Cs,

Part 3-Controls. Dance, Monkey, Dance. Character or Camera

Relative? Shake, Rattle and Roll. Level 7's Universal Truths and

Clever Ideas. Level 8 Sign Language-HUD and Icon Design. Health

Bar. Targeting. Ammo Gauge. Inventory. Score. Radar/Map.

Context-Sensitive Prompt. The Clean Screen. Icon Has Cheezburger?

Don't Get QTE. HUDs, and Where to Stick 'Em. There Are Other

Screens Than the HUD. The Pause that Refreshes. A Final Word on

Fonts. Level 8's Universal Truths and Clever Ideas. Level 9

Everything I Learned about Level Design, I Learned from Level 9.

The Top 10 Cliche Video Game Themes. The Name Game. Everything I

Learned about Level Design, I Learned from Disneyland. The Beat

Chart. Re-using Re-use. The Gary Gygax Memorial Mapping Section.

The Dave Arnenson Memorial Mapping Section. Wrapping Up Mapping.

Illusional Narrative. Gray Matters. Leave the Training Level for

Last. Level 9's Universal Truths and Clever Ideas. Level 10 The

Elements of Combat. 400 Quatloos on the Newcomer! Now You have to

Kiss Me. On Moving. On Guarding. State of the Art Bang Bang. The

Best Gun for You. Run and Gun. Not Just Shooting. Dammit Jones,

Where Doesn't It Hurt? Death: What is It Good For? Level 10's

Universal Truths and Clever Ideas. Level 11 They All Want You Dead.

Bring on the Bad Guys. I Love Designing Enemies. I Hate You to

Pieces. Non-Enemy Enemies. How to Create the World's Greatest Boss

Battle. Who's the Boss? Size Matters. Location, Location, Location.

Why Not to Create the World's Greatest Boss Battle. Level 11's

Universal Truths and Clever Ideas. Level 12 The Nuts and Bolts of

Mechanics. Holy Death Trap! Time to Die. The Music of Mechanics. A

Nice Little Calm Spot. Riddle Me This. A Short Word on Minigames

and Microgames. Level 12's Universal Truths and Clever Ideas. Level

13 Now You're Playing with Power. "Love Thy Player". More Wealth

Than You Can Imagine! Level 13's Universal Truths and Clever Ideas.

Level 14 Multiplayer-the More the Merrier. How Many is the Right

Number? MMORPGS, or Hell is Other People. Level 14's Universal

Truths and Clever Ideas. Level 15 Some Notes on Music. Sounds Like

a Game to Me. Level 15's Universal Truths and Clever Ideas. Level

16 Cutscenes, or No One's Gonna Watch 'Em Anyway. How to Write a

Screenplay in Eight Easy Steps. Level 16's Universal Truths and

Clever Ideas. Level 17 And Now the Hard Part. No One Cares about

Your Stupid Little World. Video Games is a Haaaard Business. What

to Do for an Encore? Level 17's Universal Truths and Clever Ideas.

Continue? Bonus Level 1: The One-Sheet Sample. Bonus Level 2: The

Ten-Page Design Document Sample. Bonus Level 3: Game Design

Document Template. Bonus Level 4: The Medium-Sized List of Story

Themes. Bonus Level 5: The Big List of Environments. Bonus Level 6:

Mechanics and Hazards. Bonus Level 7: Enemy Design Template. Bonus

Level 8: Boss Design Template. Bonus Level 9: High Concept Pitch

Presentation. Achievement Unlocked: Exactly Like Making Chili.









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有次我参加了一个研讨会,著名游戏设计师威尔·莱特( Will Wright)当时也在场。莱特先生说,他从日式园艺、建筑结构设计以及生物学里面汲取灵感。我当时回应说,那很了不起,因为你很热衷于日式园艺、建筑结构设计和生物学,但是那些喜欢动画、科幻电影和电子游戏的“普通人”怎么办呢?说实话,当我问出这个问题的时候我就意识到自己知道答案了



〈意识世界》和〈野兽传奇》的设计者蒂姆·谢菲尔( Tim Schaefer)说,所有好的游戏角色都能让玩家美梦成真。他们让玩家有机会实现在现实世界中无法达成的理想。一般来说,我觉得这一点对游戏也是一样。游戏应该能让玩家感觉到自己拥有在现实中所没有的特点和能力,比如强悍、聪敏、阴险、成功、富有、邪恶,或者成为英雄。






Level Up covers the entire video game creation process Readers will learn how to develop marketable ideas, learn what perils and pitfalls await them during a game's pre-production, production and post-production stages Video games continue to be a growth market, with sustained growth since 2006 despite the economic downturn. 2008 was a record year for game sales. Expert author Scott Rogers is a veteran of the industry and has designed hits including God of War, the SpongeBob Squarepants game series, and the venerable Pac Man World. His recent talks at Game Developer Expo was featured on sites including BoingBoing, Digg, and Slashdot. Demand for game designers and developers has tripled since 2006 (indeed.com) It has a unique approach with Scott's tongue in cheek style, and "more practice, less theory" approach will appeal to today's readers who want to get started quickly.



































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