
食品专业英语怡红科学出版社9787030721778蔚蓝书店 pdf 下载 mobi 极速 snb 夸克云 txt chm




  • ISBN:9787030721778
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2022-11
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:44.30
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


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Unit 1 pan>

Part 1 Food Nutrition pan>

Extensive Reading 1 Nature of Nutritional Problems 8

Extensive Reading 2 Nutrition and Food 12

Part 2 Carbohydrates 15

Extensive Reading e of Simple Oligosaccharides in the Food Industry 2pan>

Extensive Reading 2 The Applications of Carbohydrates 22

Part 3 The Health Effects of Dietary Fats 24

Extensive Reading 1 General Introduction to Fats 3pan>

Extensive Reading 2 Structured Lipids—Novel Fats 33

Part 4 Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysates in Human Nutrition 35

Extensive Reading 1 Nutritional Properties of Whey Proteins 42

Unit 2 46

Part 1 Processing Techniques Used for Grain Food 46

Extensive Reading 1 Thermal and Physical Property Measurement of Bakery 54

Extensive Reading 2 Recent Developments and Applications of Resistant Starch from Millet 57

Extensive Reading 3 Physical and Chemical Changes Undergone by Endosperm During Grain Nixtamalization 59

Part 2 Postharvest Precooling of Fruits and Vegetables 62

Extensive Reading 1 Ultrasound Processing of Fruits and Vegetables 67

Extensive Reading 2 High Pressure Processing of Meat, Meat Products and Seafood 69

Part 3 Common Separation Techniques in Food Analysis 72

Extensive Reading 1 Some New Analytical Techniques Used in Food Chemistry 80

Extensive Reading 2 Applications of Solid-phase Microextraction in Food Analysis 83

Part 4 Modern New Packaging Techniques 86

Extensive Reading 1 Biopolymer-based Packaging Films 93

Unit 3 97

Part 1 Food Safety Assurance Systems in China 97

Extensive Reading 1 Safety of Agricultural Biotechnology-related Foods 104

Part 2 Methods for Rapid Detection of Chemical and Veterinary Drug Residues in Animal Foods 108

Extensive Reading 1 Food Quality and Allergenicity 115

Part 3 Evaluation of Food itives’ Toxicology 119

Extensive Reading 1 Microbial Pollution and Food Safety 125

Part 4 Food Microbiology: The Challenges for the Future 128

Extensive Reading 1 Microbiology in Food Safety 135

Extensive Reading 2 Partial Food Microorganism Diagnostics 139

Unit 4 142

Part 1 Geically Modified Microorganisms and Their Products 142

Extensive Reading 1 Safety Assessment of Products with Geically Modified Organisms 148

Part 2 Can Organic and Transgenic Soybeans Be Used as a Substitute for Animal Protein? 150

Extensive Reading 1 The Futures of Geically Modified Foods: Global Threat or Panacea? 156

Part 3 Control of Microorganisms in Water and Dri Water 158

Extensive Reading 1 Physical Methodout Treatment and Disinfection of Water 165

Part 4 Gut Microbiota in Human Metabolic Health and Disease 168

Extensive Reading 1 Role of Dietary Polyphenols on Gut Microbiota, Their Metabolites and Health Benefits 175

Extensive Reading 2 Impact of Diet on Gut Microbiota 179

Part 5 Application of Probiotics in Dairy Products 183

Extensive Reading 1 Probiotics: Pharmaceutical Dietary Supplements 190

Extensive Reading 2 Prebiotics, Functional Food, Bioactive Ingredients and Nutraceuticals 193

References 198

附录1 考研面试辅导 0

Part 1 Self-Introduction 0

Part 2 Question-and-Answer 3

附录2 出国学材料辅导 21pan>

Part 1 E- 21pan>

Part 2 Curriculum Vitae and Resume 215

Part 3 Research Proposal 219






Unit 1 Part 1 Food Nutrition

The goal of public health nutrition is to promote the nutrition-related health of the population. It is not surprising that people knew little about nutrition in the past when they were already on the brink of starvation. Nowadays, with the development of the economy and society, people not only need to consume an adequate amount of food, but also should have a healthy and nutritious diet. Nutrition and its importance in human life take the center of stage, and are highlighted in a tremendous amount of media coverage. As a result, people receive a lot of information, but maybe only some of the information is useful and helpful, while the rest is inaccurate and even dangerous.

Unhealthy diets are a key risk factor for the most prevalent noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and various types of cancer. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study 17 (GBD 17), unhealthy diets were responle for 42% of deaths from cardiovascular diseases, 32% from type 2 diabetes mellitus, 7% from cancers, and were responle for 16% of all deaths among adults in Western Europe (GBD 17 Diet Collaborators, 19). Therefore a significant health gain can be achieved through the prevention of noncommunicable diseasey policies aiming at improving the dietary intake of the population.

Nutrition is an interesting topic to many people, as eating is part of our life, and delicious food is a temptation to people. In fact, eating is one of the pleasures in our life, especially in China which has a long history of diet culture.

A healthy and reasonable diet is very important to people, because it can provide the nutrition that people need. Since the last decade, new views on the conceptual role of diets have been proposed in the science of nutrition. It is generally considered that the primary role of nutrition is to provide enough nutrients to fulfill the basic nutritional requirements of normal human body functions. Recent advances in food and nutrition science now support the concept that diets may have a significant role in the modulation of various functions in the human body. This implies that diets or food could contribute to an improved state of human well-being, a reduction of risks related to certain diseases, and even an improvement in the quality of life.

Usually, we consume different kinds of foods, such as milk, egg, meat, fruit and vegetable products. Although we have a large variety of foods available, they contain only a limited number of constituents, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. These stances allow our organisms to grow, maintain themselves and work well.

Relationshipetween diets and health have been shown at various levels of dietary patterns, food groups, foods and nutrients. Many foods contain essential nutrients. Other stances are of little importance as parts of nutrients may even be harmful to human health. Examples include the allergenic proteins in egg white, fish, legumes and some natural plant stances, such as antitoxins, which could affect the thyroid, oxalic acid and gossypol.

Modern studies in nutritional physiology have made it clear that human diets may consist of a great variety of foodut the nutrients contained in foods mue calorie-wise in the right form. Today, about 50 stances should be supplied on a regular basis to ensure human health, including essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and water. Apart from breast milk in infancy, there is no food specially designed by nature for human beings, so it is not surprising that no single food on its own can bring sufficient nutrients and satisfy the human body’s needs. A high intake of nutrients is required for any human body to function well. We only need nutrients supplied in foods, rather than all the stances in foods, and thus we should get a wide range of foods with full nutritive values.

1. Protein Requirement

As stated previously, proteins have the highest nutritive value to contribute to human health if they contain an adequate amount of essential amino acids in the right relationship. In general, this is more often the case that proteins in animals are more abundant than those in vegetables. This is the reason why animal proteins have a higher biological value. Therefore, animal proteins should be adequate in diets.

Fish, meat, milk and eggs are ideal sources of animal proteins. Soyabeans are an especially valuable source of vegetable proteins. The concept of minimum physiological protein or minimum protein balance means the minimum amount of protein food with which the human body can reach a nitrogen equilibrium between intake of nitrogen in foods containing proteins and elimination of nitrogen in decomposition products (such as urea in urine). It is well known from the experience of mass feeding in times of crisis and from an











































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