
- ISBN:9787514205695
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2013-03
- 页数:暂无页数
- 价格:28.80
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
昊燃,1995年出生于中国北京,曾是北京师范大学附属实验中学数学竞赛班的学生。2011年9月完成高一学习后,赴美国读高中,目前是Woodberry Forest School 11年级的学生。
Study in American
High School
Chapter 1
Difficulty Goes before Easiness
I Have A Dream
“Kids who have dreams always start to think about flying right after being able to run”, as one of the Chinese old sayings goes.
I have had a dream since I was very young hoping of becoming an astronaut. I used to make and launch small rockets and be interested in all kinds of models and photos of the satellites as well as the universe. Even when being on an airplane and flying in the air, looking below and seeing things on the ground becoming smaller and smaller, I definitely became excited and dreamed to fly higher to view the whole planet and the mysterious universe.
Unfortunately, this dream came to an end because of my myopic eyes. Under the standard of choosing astronauts in China, I could no longer harbor the scene of flying in space. Then I shifted my dream to fulfilling my dream in my own way—bringing intelligence and intellectual achievements to space-related matters. So I desire to make my personal contribution to tasks of cosmonautics.
Admittedly, the US is the most powerful country in aerospace throughout the world, although it has some severe accidents in its history and its development is restricted by financial factors. I went to American high school last year in order to fulfill part of my dream. My first phase is trying to attend a college, where I can be fully prepared for working in the in the field of astronomy and cosmonautics.
After visiting a NASA base, I thoroughly understand the history and advancing technology of American aero-space, which is glorious, leading in the world but also facing systematic problems. Similarly, facing challenges, I wouldn’t give up because there is always a dream in my heart of exploring the beautiful universe.
My dream is not aiming to make American space engineering perfect but to devote myself to the progress of our own aerospace program. I, myself, though, am tiny compared to the vastness of outer space. I keep seeking the chance that there will be a small part of my creation on Shenzhou spaceships. I believe my dream will be carried on to those spaceships, rockets and even further to the immense outer space.
[Caption] My visit at a base of NASA; Waiting for the launch of Shenzhou 9 at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in China; Launch moment of Shenzhou 9.
Time to Go
Transferring from one of the best Chinese high schools to an American high school is actually hard for me, a young fellow who grew up under the loving hands of my parents. They always make plans for my study and life. The only thing I needed to do was to work hard academically. Studying abroad is a tough task for me.
Partially encouraged by my mom, at the second term of 8th grade, I suddenly got the idea of studying in the US. I didn’t really put much thought over this option before I joined in the army of TOEFL and SSAT candidates and started preparing to apply for American high schools. But after all the hard work, I thought deeply, “Am I really ready for this?” Being tortured by the dreams and apprehensions, I felt sorrowful that I was not mature enough to live alone without my mom and to succeed in the intricate world. As a result, I chose to stay in China. If I take second thought to it now, I don’t think it is a bad choice.
One and a half years later, in the winter vacation of 10th grade, I went to America for MUN of Harvard University and mathematic competition of Princeton. At that time, my father visited some elite schools and talked with some overseas students. He finally made the decision for me, which I kept running away from. But when the problem was reconsidered, I found I was actually ready both physically and mentally. But another obstacle was in the way before me-I missed the regular application time. I could only compete with a sea of students for limited schools still available at that time. I didn’t hesitate this time. Since then, I set foot on another road, which was completely new for me but I determined to keep trying my best on the road.
[Caption] My DIY motivational card.
在我拿到个Offer之后,我觉得自己并不是很喜欢那所学校,因为太靠南边。在我这个皇城根下长大的“小北京”心目中,有四季变化的气候更适合人生存,所以我就一直在等现在这所学校的Offer。由于属于第二轮录取,所以个向我发出Offer的学校要求一周内一定要给出是否入学的答复,但我等待的另一个Offer迟迟没有来,我忍不住发邮件过去说“假如再不决定的话,我就去另外那所学校了”……在经过两天的痛苦难熬后,我终于等来了令人愉悦的消息—Woodberry Forest School将我录取啦!
在读完高一并经过了一个开心的暑假之后, 2011年8月31号,我坐上UA898次北京飞往华盛顿的航班,开始了我的留学之旅……
That April Fools’ Day
My fellows received various surprises on that day. One got a toy snake in his desk; one got a rose which astonished him but it turned out to be a gift from a male friend. There were those fooled while attempting to fool others as sort of revenge and proving themselves smart. My surprise came as an offer from a high school across the sea. When I got it, my initial response is whether it might be a trick or a truth thing. It’s an April the first after all.
Looking back to the old time, my journey to US was a big success of narrow margin. In only 50 days or so, beginning from the very moment I made up my mind to go abroad, I registered and took the SSAT and TOEFL tests first. Meanwhile, I quickly decided on which schools to apply for and finished my application procedures and after that I took several interviews in Beijing as well as in other places. After a long uneasy wait and struggle, I eventually got the offer from two schools I applied for. Frankly speaking, I was indeed a rather shy person. However, I spared no effort this time in my solid pursuit of my abroad study goal. I managed to keep words flowing throughout the interviews and even remembered to highlight my talents and potential though I was quite nervous at those times.
I wasn’t fully satisfied with the first school offered. It is located in the south of America with sunshine all year around while I am used to live in Beijing, a city with changeable weather in different seasons and more natural for people to inhabit. As the offer is given at the second round, I should inform the school of my decision in a week. As I wait anxiously for the second offer,
3.一年,作者完成了从中国优秀学生到留美尖子生的转变,登上了Woodberry Forest School学术荣誉榜的**荣誉级别,其经历值得想要留学学生参考。
点击:“小脚印杯”首届全国儿童磁力拼图画、指印画创意大赛 IPAD Mini2等你来拿!
——海航集团董事局董事长 陈峰
——长江商学院教授、美联储经济学家、美国普林斯顿大学金融经济学博士 周春生
Preface from David
Flowers in the greenhouse do not grow to their full bloom and they are unable to endure the harsh weather in nature. I, take the courage to move along together with my strong belief to motivate myself for the future.
Gentle readers, probably you are standing at an intersection, pondering over which way to go. To us young people, pursuing further study remains our priority. More importantly, we should learn how to make our own decision rather than largely depend on our parents or family. “The early bird gets the worm”, as an old saying goes. As we approach our crossroad both physically and academically, the earlier that we can clear our thoughts and decide the right track to go on our study and life by ourselves, the better gift we can have to celebrate our growth.
From a very young age, I started to think about my life goal and life course in an unpredictable future. At that time, I believed there exists a climax of everyone’s life. Be it a wonderful and successful one or a rather common and ordinary one. What we sow, what we mow. This is what I considered the most mature way of thinking. Things change and I have a new understanding now. I am managing my own life in such an advancing society, pretty much like driving an express train, too fast to appreciate those beautiful scenes outside. I collect my concentration trying to have a better view and exceed other passengers on the life train. As the journey moves on, I realize that the actual driving force doesn’t come from ourselves but from the pressure and competition of every other people around us unyieldingly aiming to do better than others. Among those runners, I still consider myself not mature enough but I do believe that my experience and thoughts may be helpful to those who encounter similar challenges and problems as I did.
Currently, China is an open and diverse country. People in the past generations made their contributions to build up a stronger and more powerful country over the past one hundred years by going abroad for advancement in science and technology. Recently, more and more students plan to study in developed countries for their further study, either for their own interests or for their ambitions such as making their contributions to their motherland in the future. I’m one of those young dream pursuers, leaving my dear family, teachers, classmates and friends behind, with mixed feelings of confusion and doubt. Gratitude goes to my parents and American teachers. They made solid preparation for my new life, enabling me to overcome difficulties and hardships along the bumpy road and come close to a brighter future. Thus, I am under a self-imposed obligation that I can do something to return those favors I received—recording and telling my stories in words and pictures along the long journey.
First of all, I hope this book serves as a guide or outline for those high school or university school students plan to go abroad for their academic pursuit. In this book, I will introduce following aspects: school daily activities and student clubs; the shaping and nurturing of the personality and integrated development in this environment; cultural conflicts caused by the different education and customs; tolerance of diversity and self-affirmation in the diversification country. More importantly, I depict an exact and true picture about the so-called “luxurious oversea students’ life”, which is not a life style full of entertainment and indulgence but working as hard as possible since we students abroad inherited those traditional virtues such as diligence and honest.
Moreover, through my detailed description of Woodberry Forest School, I intend to introduce a great, harmonic and science-oriented school to you. And this is definitely an advertisement that I do not profit from anyone who will be interested in continuing their study in this wonderful school.
Secondly, I truly hope this book can serve as a reference for Chinese students and educators. Over the past decades, people have witnessed the dramatic change and progress of Chinese education. As a student myself, I fully notice such change and benefit from it. Chinese Ministry of Education makes joint efforts with teachers together with contribution from school administrators and students. Up to now, Chinese education still differs from the American one in many aspects, which resembles the difference between modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. It is not an easy thing to tell which is more advanced or effective. In fact, Chinese students who study in China cannot benefit much from most American practice ways but some of the practices do help us reflect on what can be learned and applied to better nurture students. Students who desire to go abroad, they will find th
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