
客户战略:盈利性客户关系建立指南 Build Your Customer Strategy书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780471776604
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2007-08
- 页数:暂无页数
- 价格:222.60
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:精装
- 开本:暂无开本
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
Goods and services are no longer enough.Today's customers attach an emotional connection to the products they use and to the businesses at which they shop. Wouldn't you love to have your customers raving about your company or about your product and calling it their own? Now you can.
With his profound insight, simplicity, and uncommon sense, industry expert and author Jim Barnes shows you how managers and executives can create lasting and genuine customer relationships that will withstand the competitive overtures of other companies. He draws on his more than thirty years of experience listening to end-consumers and business customers from a wide variety of industries to enable you to develop your own customer strategy, using the building blocks of successful customer relationships that are presented in this book.
Filled with case histories of companies that have succeeded in building solid, genuine relationships with customers, this book will help you to maximize and capitalize on the opportunities your customers represent. This hands-on book:
Explores the process of developing and sustaining customer relationships that establish an emotional connection;
Explains how to achieve the lofty status where customers will actually be proud to be your customers;
Considers how to manage difficult relationships, such as those that take place via technology or at great distances;
Helps you take the pulse of your customer relationships and identify where those relationships are weak and where they are strong.
Required reading for every CEO, chief customer officer, customer service executive, and marketing executive, this book urges you to adopt—and keep in mind—the customer's perspective and what it means as a customer to have a relationship with a company or brand. Build Your Customer Strategy shows you how to make a connection with your customers that will not simply satisfy them, but also build and keep their loyalty for your business's long-term success.
JIM BARNES is an internationally recognized consultant, speaker, and educator on customer relationship strategy and measurement. He offers a unique perspective on customer loyalty, approaching the subject from the customer's perspective. He is the author of seven books, including the internationally acclaimed Secrets of Customer Relationship Management: It's All About How You Make Them Feel. He regularly delivers conference keynotes and workshops on the broad subjects of customer relationship building and the creation of customer loyalty. He works with leading companies to build their customer strategies. He is a member of the Guru Panel at CRMguru.com and a regular contributor to many publications on the subject of customer strategies. He is Professor of Marketing at Memorial University and operates his consulting practice, Barnes Marketing Associates, Inc. (bmai-strategy.com), from his base in Canada. Dr. Barnes holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a PhD in marketing from the University of Toronto.
Chapter 1 How Do You Make Them Feel?
The Focus Is on the Customer—Just Listen!
Are You Customer Focused?
Wear That Customer Hat.
A Long-Term Strategy.
When Is a Relationship a Relationship?
The Hard and the Soft.
Customers Are People, Not Data Points.
We Need More Insight, Not More Data.
Remember That Quarter-Inch Drill.
The Little Things Aren’t—Little, That Is.
Not Marketing as We’ve Known It.
It’s Also a Different View of CRM.
This Isn’t New, but It’s Not Easy Either.
Chapter 2 Are They Loyal or Merely Satisfied?
Great Expectations.
They Do Not Expect to Be Surprised.
Satisfaction Is Functional, Loyalty Is Emotional.
Satisfaction Is Personal and Situational.
Fragility of Customer Satisfaction.
Bridging Satisfaction and Loyalty.
It’s Not a Relationship, but I Love Shopping There!
Loyalty Is Alive and Very Well.
Repeat Buying Is Not Necessarily Loyalty.
We’re in It for the Points.
Understanding Loyalty.
Loyalty: Functional or Emotional?
Why Satisfaction Is Like Cholesterol.
Transforming the Functionally Loyal
Five Steps to Solid Customer Relationships.
Where Do Expectations Fit?
What Does All This Mean for You?
Chapter 3 Create Meaningful Value.
What’s Value Got to Do with It?
Value Creation: The Essential Role of the Firm.
Value Equation.
It’s Just Not Worth the . . .
What Will They Value?
What Is Value?
Customer’s View of Value.
Value Hierarchy.
Value Proposition: Functional and Emotional Components.
Giving and Taking Away.
Creating More Valuable Value.
Meaningful Value Creation: Being Lateral.
Think Customer Context: What Are They Going Through?
Value: The Essence of the Customer Strategy.
Chapter 4 You Mean a Lot to Them.
Becoming Customer Centric.
Nature of Customer Relationships.
They Know Them When They Feel Them 59
What Is a Relationship Anyway?
There’s No Emotion.
Hierarchy of Emotions.
Emotions in Relationship Building.
Why Relationships Last.
How Can You Mean Something Special to Them?
Building Blocks of Customer Strategy.
Chapter 5 Beyond Mundane Experiences.
A Broader View.
Back to Relationship Building. Now They Are Experiences.
Central to Strategy Development.
Experience Is Not (Usually) Entertainment.
The Brand Experience.
What Contributes to the Experience?
Elevating the Experience Beyond the Mundane.
Personalizing the Customer Experience.
Scripts and Systems—Not Personal!
Recognizing Life Events: The Concept of Graduation.
Bad Experiences: Why Do They Do That?
Stepping in to Help When Bad Things Happen.
Chapter 6 Things You Can Make Possible.
Ultimate Customer Experience.
Expectations Revisited.
Delivering the Unexpected.
Need for Contextual Intelligence.
B2B Perspective.
Create That Eclipse.
Two Boxes, Actually . . .
What Will It Take?
Let’s Get Creative.
Really Thinking Outside the Box.
Great Cleaners? Not Anymore . . .
Intel Factor.
Suddenly, It’s a Different Value Proposition.
Stepping Back.
Chapter 7 Payback Time.
Customer Relationships as Assets.
Curse of Customer Churn.
What Is a Loyal Customer Worth?
Real ROI from Customer Relationships.
VI3C: Some Just Look Good on You.
A Customer’s Sphere of Influence.
What We Stand to Lose When They Leave.
An Aside: What About Historic Customer Value?
Danger of the Database View.
You Don’t Want Them All, but Tread Carefully.
What’s Important?
Chapter 8 How Are You Doing?
Characteristics of Relationship-Focused Firms.
20/20 Insight.
Not About Mining and Surveying.
Go Deep!
Where to Go for Insight.
More Structured Sources.
Plan to Measure Results.
Challenges of Being Accountable.
Accepting the Need to Measure.
We Can Measure This.
Measuring the Equity in the Relationship.
Connecting to Harder Numbers.
Relationship Segmentation.
Relationships at Risk.
Beneath the Radar: The Problem of the “Almost Customer”.
A Measurement Plan.
Chapter 9 What Management Needs to Know.
It’s a Different View of Things.
What’s Holding Us Back?
You Need Great People.
Creating Creativity.
Be Careful How You Pay Them.
Getting That Elusive Buy-In.
How Great Companies Got to Be That Good.
Resist the Temptation to Tell Everyone.
Putting It All Together.
Chapter 10 Putting It All Together.
Always Moving Forward.
Agreement to First Principles.
Understand the Strategy.
Looking through the Lens.
Supporting Decisions.
Progression of Thinking and Action.
Implications for Other Areas.
Over to You!
Appendix Customer Strategy Template.
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