
Marketing Plans 7E - How To Prepare Them, How To Use Them 9780470669976 pdf 下载 mobi 极速 snb 夸克云 txt chm



Marketing Plans 7E - How To Prepare Them, How To Use Them 9780470669976书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780470669976
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-04
  • 页数:580
  • 价格:409.20
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


  Now in its 7th edition, Marketing Plans is a highly renowned

international bestseller. The book has been thoroughly revised, and

every chapter has been carefully updated with special attention to

the latest developments in marketing. To accomplish this, Professor

Malcolm McDonald has been joined in this edition by Professor Hugh

Wilson, a leading expert on CRM and multichannel strategy as well

as marketing planning.

Major changes to this edition include new chapters based on the

very latest research on:

Planning for integrated marketing communications and digital


Developing multichannel strategy

Developing the CRM plan

Marketing effectiveness and accountability

Marketing Plans is designed as a tool and a user-friendly

learning, resource. Every point illustrated by powerful practical

examples and made actionable through simple, step-by-step templates

and exercises.

The book is established as essential reading for all serious

professional marketers and students of marketing, from

undergraduate and postgraduate to professional courses for bodies

such as CIM. Above all it provides a practical, hands-on guide to

implementing every single concept included in the text.

"It is clearly and powerfully written and is probably the best

book on the theory and practice of marketing planning ever written.

It is a best-seller in Europe and I strongly recommend the book to

anyone with an interest in marketing planning."

—Warren J. Keegan, Professor of International Business and

Marketing Director, Institute for Global Business Strategy, Pace

University, New York

"I am extremely impressed by the step lucidity of what is


—Dr D. H. Eaton, North Carolina University

"A book reaching the quantities sold of Marketing Plans must be a

book that is really used. It is not difficult to see why. Malcolm

McDonald writes about what to do in marketing and how to do it.

Unlike many academic marketing writers, he will never let you

forget that marketing ends with –ing."

—Kenneth Simmonds, Professor of Marketing and International

Business, London Business School

"Malcolm McDonald is clearly one of the most respected Professors

of Marketing in Europe and the author of a number of outstanding

books. The fact that Marketing Plans has been such a massive seller

offers testimony of this. McDonald writes with clarity and insight

that is becoming increasingly rare today. It is powerful, up to

date and has proved that it works. I recommend it to you!"

—John D. Ryans, Jr, Bridgestone Professor of International and

Professor of International Marketing, Kent State University,



Preface and Acknowledgements.

How to Use This Book to Achieve the Best Results.

Learning Features.

Tutor's Guide.

An Important Note to the Reader from the Authors.

Chapter 1 Understanding the Marketing Process.

Chapter 2 The Marketing Planning Process: 1 The Main Steps.

Chapter 3 The Marketing Planning Process: 2 Removing the


Chapter 4 Completing the Marketing Audit: 1 The Customer and Market


Chapter 5 Completing the Marketing Audit: 2 The Product


Chapter 6 Setting Marketing Objectives and Strategies.

Chapter 7 The Integrated Marketing Communications Plan.

Chapter 8 The Sales Plan.

Chapter 9 The Pricing Plan.

Chapter 10 The Multichannel Plan: The Route to Market.

Chapter 11 The Customer Relationship Management Plan.

Chapter 12 Implementation Issues in Marketing Planning.

Chapter 13 Measuring the Effectiveness of Marketing Planning.

Chapter 14 A Step-by-Step Marketing Planning System.




  Professor Malcolm McDonald was recently cited as one of the

top marketing gurus in the world, along with Philip Kotler and

Michael Porter and, in a 2006 Times HE piece, he was named as one

of the top ten consultants in the UK. He is now Emeritus Professor

at Cranfield University School of Management where, until recently,

he was Professor of Marketing and Deputy Director. Formerly

Marketing Director of Canada Dry, he is Chairman of six companies

and works with many of the operating boards of the world's biggest

multinationals on every continent. He is the author of over 40

books, many of which have been translated into several foreign

languages and has published hundreds of articles and papers.

  Although retiring from his teaching role, Malcolm continues to

research and teach at Cranfield and other universities around the

world and to promote himself via speaking engagements, visiting

lectures, and consultancy. He is determined to keep this, his most

revered publication, alive and kicking. He has thought long and

hard about a succession plan for the book and has invited Professor

Hugh Davies, also of Cranfield University School of Management, to

assist him in the current update, with a view to Hugh taking the

reigns of the book's development into the future.

  Hugh Wilson is Professor of Strategic Marketing and Director of

the Customer Management Forum at Cranfield School of Management,

and an influential author, speaker and consultant in marketing and

IT. Hugh is listed in the Chartered Institute of Marketing's global

'Guru Gallery' of 'the 50 leading marketing thinkers alive today'.

He has extensive industrial experience, including thirteen years in

the IT industry working for IBM, Logica, Artificial Intelligence

Ltd and NCR in marketing, consulting and business development. He

now spends much of his time working with companies such as IBM,

Lloyds TSB, BT, Taylor Woodrow and Skandia on marketing planning,

e-commerce, CRM and multi-channel marketing, as well as teaching on

these topics in Cranfield. His books and management reports include

the bestselling 'e-marketing' (1999), 'Profiting from eCRM' (2001),

and 'Marketing Strategy in the digital age' (2001), all published

by FT Prentice Hall. 'The New Marketing' (with Malcolm McDonald),

was published in 2002. He was recently honoured by the DTI as one

of the "Internet Decade" list of the hundred individuals who have

had most influence over the development of e-commerce, according to

an NOP poll. He writes regularly for academic and practitioner

journals. His latest book 'The Multichannel Challenge' (with Rod

Street and Lindsay Bruce) was published in March 2008.






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  "It is cleary and powerfully written and is probably the best

book on the theory and practice of marketing planning ever

written." Warren J. Keegan, Professor of International Business and

Marketing Director, Institute for Global Business Strategy, Pace

University, New York


Now in its 7 th edition, Marketing Plans is a highly renowned international bestseller. The book has been thoroughly revised, and every chapter has been carefully updated with special attention to the latest developments in marketing. To accomplish this, Professor Malcolm McDonald has been joined in this edition by Professor Hugh Wilson, a leading expert on CRM and multichannel strategy as well as marketing planning. Major changes to this edition include new chapters based on the very latest research on: Planning for integrated marketing communications and digital marketing Developing multichannel strategy Developing the CRM plan Marketing effectiveness and accountability Marketing Plans is designed as a tool and a user-friendly learning, resource. Every point illustrated by powerful practical examples and made actionable through simple, step-by-step templates and exercises. The book is established as essential reading for all serious professional marketers and students of marketing, from undergraduate and postgraduate to professional courses for bodies such as CIM. Above all it provides a practical, hands-on guide to implementing every single concept included in the text. "It is clearly and powerfully written and is probably the best book on the theory and practice of marketing planning ever written. It is a best-seller in Europe and I strongly recommend the book to anyone with an interest in marketing planning."

— Warren J. Keegan, Professor of International Business and Marketing Director, Institute for Global Business Strategy, Pace University, New York "I am extremely impressed by the step lucidity of what is presented."

— Dr D. H. Eaton, North Carolina University "A book reaching the quantities sold of Marketing Plans must be a book that is really used. It is not difficult to see why. Malcolm McDonald writes about what to do in marketing and how to do it. Unlike many academic marketing writers, he will never let you forget that marketing ends with –ing."

— Kenneth Simmonds, Professor of Marketing and International Business, London Business School "Malcolm McDonald is clearly one of the most respected Professors of Marketing in Europe and the author of a number of outstanding books. The fact that Marketing Plans has been such a massive seller offers testimony of this. McDonald writes with clarity and insight that is becoming increasingly rare today. It is powerful, up to date and has proved that it works. I recommend it to you!"

— John D. Ryans, Jr, Bridgestone Professor of International and Professor of International Marketing, Kent State University, Ohio



































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