
THE E-CODE 电子编码:32个因特网超级明星披露在线立即挣钱的47种方法:仅仅利用电子邮箱书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780471718550
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2005-05
- 页数:284
- 价格:153.50
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装
- 开本:暂无开本
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
The E-Code brings together the combined wisdom of 33 Internet marketing superstars to reveal how they make money online-using nothing but the power of e-mail. Each succinct chapter presents one moneymaking strategy or concept and offers step-by-step guidance on implementing it for maximum profits.
If you have a product or service to sell, the Internet gurus in this book will show you how to sell it-no matter what it is. And even if you don't have your own original product idea, don't worry. Inside you'll find a wealth of quick and effective ideas for creating something that other people will definitely pay for. Using tactics like viral product marketing and online auctions, anyone can make extra money online-and you can too. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it's a make-money-quick scheme. It could be a little, or it could be a lot, but you will definitely profit when you learn how to:
Develop and sell a product online
Target your customers
Promote your product
Market to niche audiences
Create an e-marketing business plan
Build your own e-mail list
Increase traffic to your Web site
Work hand-in-hand with affiliates
Maximize your profits
And much more!
Plus, entrepreneurs and small business owners will learn how to improve their sales through simple, proven e-marketing tactics that really work. The Internet is a powerful resource for marketing, selling, and communicating anything. So tap into it! Written by a cast of Internet all-stars and marketing powerhouses, The E-Code is a simple, easy-to-use guide to making money online, right now.
JOE VITALE is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., a marketing consulting firm. He has been called "the Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. His professional clients include the American Red Cross, PBS, Memorial Hermann Children's Hospital, and many other small and large international businesses. He is the author of way too many books to list here, including The Attractor Factor, from Wiley.
Chapter 1:How to Make Money Online(Joe Vitale)
Chapter 2:Top 10 Laws of Internet Marketing(Randy Charach)
Chapter 3:Five Explosive Marketing Strategies for Exponential Business Growth(Jo Han Mok)
Chapter 4:Spirit Money:Five Steps to Attract Money When You Have None(Joe Vitale)
Chapter 5:Missing Links(Gary Vurnum)
Chapter 6:Put Back the Power in Your Affiliate Marketing Business!(Ewen Chia)
Chapter 7:Let Somebody Else Make Your First Product(Charles Burke)
Chapter 8:Five Critical Factors You Must Consider to Make Massive Affiliate Commissions(Alex Tan)
Chapter 9:How I Made Over $112,000 Teaching E-Classes(Joe Vitale)
Chapter 10:Five Things Every Internet Marketer Must Learn from Mail Order to Increase Profits Now(Jo Han Mok)
Chapter 11:Printing Books Digitally(Dan Poynter)
Chapter 12:Ten Tips for Using E-Mail to Get News Coverage(Paul JKrupin)
Chapter 13:A Free Technique to Increase Visitors to Your Web Site(Bill Hibbler)
Chapter 14:Top 10 Ways to Add More Subscribers to Your List(Jo Han Mok)
Chapter 15:Fourteen Winning Methods to Sell Any Product or Service in a Down Economy(Robert WBly)
Chapter 16:How to Find Your Exact Buyer on the World Wide Web(Dan Seidman)
Chapter 17:Seven-Day Plan for Making Instant Money Online(Yanik Silver)
Chapter 18:Avoiding the Delete Button:Make Your E-Mail Campaign Pay Off(Diane Hughes)
Chapter 19:Five Simple Ways to Increase Your Web Site Conversion(Jo Han Mok)
Chapter 20:Making Easy Money Online(Terri Levine)
Chapter 21:Team Up with Great People(Bob Serling)
Chapter 22:Help Your Business with a Free E-zine(Shel Horowitz)
Chapter 23:The Secret to Forming Profitable Joint Ventures(Barry Boswell)
Chapter 24:Simple Tips with a Dash of Common Sense(Cathy Stucker)
Chapter 25:How to Create Your Own Profitable Book in One Hour(Joe Vitale and Jim Edwards)
Chapter 26:Niche Marketing Secrets(Rufina James and Bart Baggett)
Chapter 27:Give Them Reseller Rights(Graham Hamer)
Chapter 28:Viral Writing:How to Automate Your Writing Like a Virus(Larry Dotson)
Chapter 29:Outrageous Marketing for Free Newspapers(Joe Vitale)
Chapter 30:Thirty-Nine Ways to Create an E-Book with Little or No Writing(Joe Vitale)
Chapter 31:E-Book Selling Tools(Larry Dotson)
Chapter 32:Magnetic Internet Power Marketing(Christian HGodefroy)
Chapter 33:Launching a Successful E-Mail Campaign(Peggy McColl)
Chapter 34:Easy Money for Newbies at eBay(Mark Joyner)
Chapter 35:Two Profitable Ideas(Blair Warren)
Chapter 36:Tell a Story in Your Subject Line(Mark Levy)
Chapter 37:The Human Side of Ad Tracking(Jeff Mulligan)
Chapter 38:How to Create a Simple Internet Marketing Business Plan for Maximum Profits—Part 1(Terry Dean)
Chapter 39:How to Create a Simple Internet Marketing Business Plan for Maximum Profits—Part 2(Terry Dean)
Chapter 40:The Lazy Person’s Quick and Easy Guide to Affiliate Success—Part 1(Terry Dean)
Chapter 41:The Lazy Person’s Quick and Easy Guide to Affiliate Success—Part 2(Terry Dean)
Chapter 42:How to Earn Maximum Profits from Affiliate Programs(Frank Garon and Terry Dean)
Chapter 43:Confessions of a Radical Super-Affiliate(Jason Mangrum)
About the Authors
在线阅读地址:THE E-CODE 电子编码:32个因特网超级明星披露在线立即挣钱的47种方法:仅仅利用电子邮箱在线阅读
在线听书地址:THE E-CODE 电子编码:32个因特网超级明星披露在线立即挣钱的47种方法:仅仅利用电子邮箱在线收听
在线购买地址:THE E-CODE 电子编码:32个因特网超级明星披露在线立即挣钱的47种方法:仅仅利用电子邮箱在线购买
Use e-mail to boost your income-today The E-Code brings together the combined wisdom of 33 Internet marketing superstars to reveal how they make money online-using nothing but the power of e-mail. Each succinct chapter presents one moneymaking strategy or concept and offers step-by-step guidance on implementing it for maximum profits. If you have a product or service to sell, the Internet gurus in this book will show you how to sell it-no matter what it is. And even if you don't have your own original product idea, don't worry. Inside you'll find a wealth of quick and effective ideas for creating something that other people will definitely pay for. Using tactics like viral product marketing and online auctions, anyone can make extra money online-and you can too. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it's a make-money-quick scheme. It could be a little, or it could be a lot, but you will definitely profit when you learn how to: * Develop and sell a product online * Target your customers * Promote your product * Market to niche audiences * Create an e-marketing business plan Plus, entrepreneurs and small business owners will learn how to improve their sales through simple, proven e-marketing tactics that really work. The Internet is a powerful resource for marketing, selling, and communicating anything. So tap into it Written by a cast of Internet all-stars and marketing powerhouses, The E-Code is a simple, easy-to-use guide to making money online, right now.
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