
Maki,Fumihiko 槙文彦建筑设计 pdf 下载 mobi 极速 snb 夸克云 txt chm



Maki,Fumihiko 槙文彦建筑设计书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780714849560
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-06
  • 页数:319
  • 价格:645.80
  • 纸张:铜版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:12开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


Fumihiko Maki's many buildings are characterized by a commitment to the ongoing project of Modernism as well as a humanist concern for the experience of the people who inhabit them. Both a thoughtful writer and a prolific builder, Maki was a founding member of the Metabolists, a highly influential group of Japanese architects in the 1960s who redefined how designers thought about large-scale urban planning. His own work, while sometimes vast in scale, is consistently responsive to the individual user. His 50-year exploration and expansion of the Modernist vocabulary has resulted in buildings that are technologically inventive, deceptively simple, and which carefully balance lightness and dignity. This book contains over 40 projects, extensively illustrated with drawings, photos, models, sketches, diagrams and computer renderings. These include the Spiral Building in Tokyo, the Fujisawa Municipal Gymnasium, the Kaze-No-Oka Crematorium in Nakatsu, and a tower currently under construction for the World Trade Center site in New York. The projects are organized roughly chronologically, but are also discussed thematically. Some projects, including Hillside Terrace, a mixed-use complex that Maki was involved with for almost 30 years, are examined not just at the moment after construction but as places that evolve over time. Buildings of every scale are included, from a 150 m2 floating pavilion to a 200,000 m2 college campus. The range of projects included, from early, experimental works to projects currently under construction in Canada, Switzerland, Japan, and the US give the reader a chance to examine in full the development of one of the most revered architects working today.


Exploration of Urban Design Language

First Buildings

Collective Form

Exploration of Technology

Construction of Scenery

A Building in a Rural Setting

The Work of Fumihiko Maki



Education/Guest House/Church/Crematorium

Community Architecture

Surprising Developments

Recent Buildings

A Journey to the West

Buildings in Progress

Unbuilt Works









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  作者简介:Kenneth Frampton is an internationally respected architectural critic who holds the Ware Professorship at the Graduate School of Architecture and Planning, Columbia University, New York. He lectures extensively in the US and Europe, and has also written, edited and contributed to numerous publications on contemporary architecture. He is the author of Modern Architecture: A Critical History (1980; revised 1985 and 1992) and Studies in Tectonic Culture (1997). His collected essays Labour, Work and Architecture were published by Phaidon in 2002. Mark Mulligan is a registered architect and a faculty member at the Graduate School of Design. His practice focuses on modern houses in the US and abroad that are sensitively related to their local climate, environment and culture. His houses feature an interweaving of natural and made-made materials, and an attention to their surroundings as well as global issues of sustainability. They have been published in Dwell, UME, and Fine Homebuilding magazines. Mulligan teaches courses in architectural technology, focusing on the relationship between design, detail, and construction, as well as design studios at the GSD. He has lived for several years in Japan, where he worked as a project architect at Maki and Associates. He has written and published articles about contemporary Japanese architecture as well as translating Japanese authors into English. Fumihiko Maki (b.1928) is principal of Maki & Associates in Tokyo and a 1993 recipient of the Pritzker Prize. In the 1950s and 60s, he attended school and then taught in the United States, and first became known internationally as a founding member of the Metabolists, an avant-garde group of young Japanese architects. In 1965, he returned to Japan to establish Maki & Associates. Major projects have included the National Museum of Art in Kyoto, the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, the Tepia Science Pavilion in Tokyo, the Nippon Convention Center in Chiba, and the Yerba Buena Gardens Visual Arts Center in San Francisco. Maki's current projects include Tower 4 at the former World Trade Center site (scheduled to open in 2011), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's media lab and the Aga Khan Development Network's Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat in Ottawa, Canada. David B. Stewart was born in Washington, D.C., and educated at the Universities of Pennsylvania and London. He has taught in Japan as Ministry of Education Foreign Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology since 1975. Before that, he was a member of the editorial staff of L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, in Paris, and has also worked as archivist for an international agency with headquarters in Paris and Washington. He was trained as an architectural historian at the Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London by the late Professor Sir Nikolaus Pevsner, under whose supervision he earned his Ph.D. Dr. Stewart is widely known in Japan and abroad as an architectural commentator and contributor to a number of specialist publications, as well as for his Making of a Modern Japanese Architecture: from 1868 to the Present (Kodansha International, l987).


Fumihiko Maki's many buildings are characterized by a commitment to the ongoing project of Modernism as well as a humanist concern for the experience of the people who inhabit them. Both a thoughtful writer and a prolific builder, Maki was a founding member of the Metabolists, a highly influential group of Japanese architects in the 1960s who redefined how designers thought about large-scale urban planning. His own work, while sometimes vast in scale, is consistently responsive to the individual user. His 50-year exploration and expansion of the Modernist vocabulary has resulted in buildings that are technologically inventive, deceptively simple, and which carefully balance lightness and dignity. This book contains over 40 projects, extensively illustrated with drawings, photos, models, sketches, diagrams and computer renderings. These include the Spiral Building in Tokyo, the Fujisawa Municipal Gymnasium, the Kaze-No-Oka Crematorium in Nakatsu, and a tower currently under construction for the World Trade Center site in New York. The projects are organized roughly chronologically, but are also discussed thematically. Some projects, including Hillside Terrace, a mixed-use complex that Maki was involved with for almost 30 years, are examined not just at the moment after construction but as places that evolve over time. Buildings of every scale are included, from a 150 m2 floating pavilion to a 200,000 m2 college campus. The range of projects included, from early, experimental works to projects currently under construction in Canada, Switzerland, Japan, and the US give the reader a chance to examine in full the development of one of the most revered architects working today.



































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