
Eric Carle: My Very Special Scrapbook 我的剪贴簿 ISBN 9780448450858书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780448450858
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2009-01
- 页数:暂无页数
- 价格:20.40
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
Eric Carle's beloved and well-known characters take on a life
of their own in this new scrapbook format. It encourages kids to
jump into Carle's world by drawing and coloring in the characters
that live in their own imaginations. In addition, kids can fill in
the answers to questions such as "I like to draw __," "My favorite
color is__," and "I like to collect__" in the "About Me"
Name: Eric Carle Biography Ever since he began innovating the
look and function of children's stories in the late 1960s, Eric
Carle has remained an author whose stories reliably hit the
bestseller lists and remain on kids' bookshelves through
generations. He began as a designer of promotions and ads, and one
illustration of a red lobster helped jump-start his career. The
lobster caught the eye of author Bill Martin, Jr.; Martin asked
Carle to illustrate the now-classic 1967 title Brown Bear, Brown
Bear, What Do You See? and a career was born. Born in Syracuse, New
York but brought by his immigrant parents back to Germany when he
was six, Carle was educated in Stuttgart and designed posters for
the United States Information Center there after graduating from
art school. He finally returned to the country he missed so much as
a child in 1952. He eventually began procuring work on children's
titles, and found himself becoming increasingly involved in them.
"I felt something of my own past stirring... read more Name: Eric
Carle Current Home: Northampton, Massachusetts and the Berkshires
Date of Birth: June 25, 1929 Place of Birth: Syracuse, New York
Education: Akademie der bildenden Künste, Stuttgart, 1946-50 *Eric
Carle'sofficial web site Biography Ever since he began innovating
the look and function of children's stories in the late 1960s, Eric
Carle has remained an author whose stories reliably hit the
bestseller lists and remain on kids' bookshelves through
generations. He began as a designer of promotions and ads, and one
illustration of a red lobster helped jump-start his career. The
lobster caught the eye of author Bill Martin, Jr.; Martin asked
Carle to illustrate the now-classic 1967 title Brown Bear, Brown
Bear, What Do You See? and a career was born. Born in Syracuse, New
York but brought by his immigrant parents back to Germany when he
was six, Carle was educated in Stuttgart and designed posters for
the United States Information Center there after graduating from
art school. He finally returned to the country he missed so much as
a child in 1952. He eventually began procuring work on children's
titles, and found himself becoming increasingly involved in them.
"I felt something of my own past stirring in me," he wrote in a
2000 essay. "An unresolved part of my own education needed
reworking, and I began to make books -- books for myself, books for
the child in me, books I had yearned for. I became my own teacher
-- but this time an understanding one." He began his career with
the 1968 title 1, 2, 3 to the Zoo; but his next title, The Very
Hungry Caterpillar, is what still endears him to young readers
today. Employing his bright, collage style and lending an immediacy
to the tale by manifesting the caterpillar's hunger in actual holes
in the pages, Carle began what would be a long career of creative
approaches to simple stories. From the chirp emerging from The Very
Quiet Cricket to the delightful fold-out pages in Papa, Please Get
the Moon for Me, Carle's books provide surprises that make his
stories come alive in ways that many titles for preschoolers do
not. Carle's style, with its diaphanous, busy and bold artwork, is
perfect for engaging new readers. His stories are also popular with
parents and educators for their introductions to the natural world
and its cycles. It's a particular pleasure to follow Carle into
different corners of the world and see what can be learned from the
creatures who live in them. Good To Know Regularly asked where he
gets his ideas, Carle is quoted on his publisher's web site as
responding: "Of course, the question of where ideas come from is
the most difficult of all. Some people like to say they get ideas
when they're in the shower. That's always a very entertaining
answer, but I think it's much deeper than that. It goes back to
your upbringing, your education, and so forth." He does say,
however, that the idea for The Very Hungry Caterpillar came when he
whimsically began punching holes in some paper, which suggested to
him a bookworm at work. His editor later suggested he change the
bookworm to a caterpillar, and the rest is history. Carle was
unhappy to be in Germany when his immigrant parents brought him
back there as a child. He hated his new school and wanted to go
back to America. He said: "When it became apparent that we would
not return, I decided that I would become a bridge builder. I would
build a bridge from Germany to America and take my beloved German
grandmother by the hand across the wide ocean." Before he became a
freelance illustrator and began working on children's books, Carle
worked as a graphic designer for the New York Times and as art
director of an ad agency. Feature Interviews In 1999, Carle spoke
with Barnes & Noble.com about his inspirations, his stories,
and what was potentially his last "Very" book, The Very Clumsy
Click Beetle. From The Very Hungry Caterpillar to The Very Lonely
Firefly, Eric Carle's bestselling "Very" books have dazzled and
delighted kids everywhere. Now Carle's created a brand-new "Very"
book about a clumsy little click beetle who can't seem to land on
his feet. However, when it matters most, he finally succeeds --
saving his own life in the process. This winning story of
perseverance and pride in achievement also has an ingenious,
interactive surprise -- a hidden sound chip provides an audible
"click" each time the reader turns the page. How did you come up
with the idea for The Very Clumsy Click Beetle? I like little bugs
and insects, and I know that they have become my signatures -- but
it's not an artificially arrived-at signature. I grew up fascinated
by little worms, bugs, and insects. I suppose my father had a lot
to do with it.... In our walks around the garden, he would point
out these little insects to me. Maybe it was because in Germany we
didn't have elephants, giraffes, or other large animals, so I had
to settle for liking little creatures-ants, worms, and bugs. But
don't you think that most little boys and little girls seem to have
an interest in them, too? There are so many surprising things about
insects -- their life cycles, for instance. Some, like cicadas,
take seven years to hatch, and then only live for a week or so! Why
would nature do that? Recently, I was reading about butterflies,
and to my surprise, I discovered that one species is carnivorous!
It eats other insects. And ants are amazing! There are so many
different kinds of ants in the same colony, each with its own
specialization -- builders, fighters, food hunters, and harvesters
-- some even build mushroom cellars! Fascinating! The click beetle
might seem at first like a dull little guy, but it has this
remarkable ability to flip through the air, and I found that very
interesting. I learned that adult click beetles have this wonderful
ability, but do you know that they land on their feet only 50
percent of the time? One out of two attempts is not successful.
Don't you think that's strange? What did nature have in mind when
it designed a bug that has only a 50 percent chance of getting out
of harm's way? The click beetle is an insect I had been thinking
about for some time. Perseverance seemed to be the natural theme.
Because click beetles land on their feet only 50 percent of the
time, it takes perseverance to get really good at it. Of course,
that is an anthropomorphic point of view. My little insects are
metaphors for children, who have the same problems of learning to
walk, to talk, to run, etc. So the importance of stick-to-itiveness
became the theme for The Very Clumsy Click Beetle. Do you have a
favorite animal? No, I like to learn about all animals and insects.
How long did it take to produce The Very Clumsy Click Beetle? The
Very Clumsy Click Beetle has gone through the same process that
most of my books do. An idea begins with a blip, a fragment that
gradually grows. It grows sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly (some
ideas never mature) -- parts of it develop effortlessly, other
parts develop painfully. Sometimes I feel it's the best ever, or
the worst ever. This process can take a year or more, steadily on
and off. The production of The Very Clumsy Click Beetle embodied
the message of perseverance. Because of technical difficulties the
publication date was delayed one full year. But we (publisher,
printer, binder, and I) did, in the end, make it work. When did you
start doing collage art? Is this your favorite medium to work in-or
is it because it's your trademark that you continue to illustrate
in this style? I learned collage in art school. After art school I
was a poster artist. I always liked big, bold images, which are
important in poster design. I love to do collages -- the whole
process of it -- painting tissue papers, storing them, handling
them, cutting and tearing out shapes. When you were a child, did
you always know you'd be an artist of some sort? Did your parents
encourage you? Yes. Before I knew the word "artist" or the concept
of art, I knew I would draw pictures. It was my favorite occupation
at that time of my life. My parents were very supportive, and my
relatives brought me watercolors and papers and crayons. My mother
would proudly show off my work to anyone who happened to come by.
Your books are so intuitive about children's thoughts and feelings.
How do you know so well what will touch and engage kids? The
underlying topics that are addressed in each of the books you
mention are indeed very basic and universal desires and needs. Very
basic ideas. In the books, these lessons are camouflaged, are not
didactically presented; they are not the primary concerns of my
books. The primary concern is to tell a good story, to impart just
sheer fun and then, secondarily, to educate or to convey some
useful idea. In part, the ideas come from my own philosophical
thoughts and musings. My ability to write them simply and in a way
that children can easily understand is intuitive. I try not to
intellectualize too much about the ideas in my books. I do remember
my own childhood feelings and emotions quite clearly; perhaps this
helps me to understand the basic needs and interests of the young
children for whom I create my books. Other than that, I really
don't know how I do it. Either you have intuition or you don't. And
you have to trust your intuition, too. Trust that it's not going to
lead you away from the point you are trying to make, and trust that
it is correct in terms of the child reader. Because you've
established such a stellar reputation, do you find it is more
difficult to create books (i.e., a lot is expected of you)-or in
fact, is it easier (i.e., you have more clout, so you can do what
you want)? Sometimes I am convinced that I will not do books
anymore, but then I come up with an idea -- what can I do? Yes, a
lot is expected of me and yes, I do have some clout. That is the
time to be most careful. But my state of mind (working,
illustrating, writing) while I am doing a book has never changed.
Are you planning to do more "Very" books in the future? Are you
working on any other books now? I'm not planning more "Very" books.
And yes, I am working on other books, but will not mention them. If
I do, I'll put a hex on them.
他年近四十才开始创作图画书,迄今为止,已经创作了《棕色的熊,棕色的熊,你在看什么?》(Brown Bear, Brwon
Bear, What Do You See?,1967)、《1,2,3,去动物园》(1,2,3 To The
Zoo,1968)、《好饿的毛毛虫》、《好忙的蜘蛛》(The Very Busy
Spider,1985)、《爸爸,请为我摘月亮》(Papa, Please Get The Moon For
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